Thursday, July 7, 2016

In Response to Today's Murders and Overall Police Brutality...

By Madame Margherite

(Insert today’s FULL date here)

(Insert the name of the person the letter is written to here)
(Insert the title of the person the letter is written to here)
(Insert the name of the establishment: Board of Commissions here)
(Insert the Street Address of the person the letter is written to here)
(Insert the City, State and Zip Code of the person the letter is written to here

Dear Commissioner (Insert Commissioner’s name here)

My name is (Insert your name here), I’m a (Insert demographic, age, gender, race etc, here) residing in (Insert neighborhood or community here) as a (Insert profession here).

I’m writing to acquire answers to the following questions in regards to Police, Police Policy and Policing Methods within my community.

1-      How are you ensuring that the members of the departments, which you are responsible for, are being held responsible for their actions?

2-      What actions do you take, or would you take, in the event Abuse of Power took place within the departments you are responsible for?

3-      How are members of the departments you are responsible for, being trained to deescalate potentially dangerous situations, and carry out their duties without using violence?

4-      How are you evaluating the overall mental health, and individual mental health of the members of the departments you are responsible for, and how are you ensuring that conditions such as trauma, PTSD, depression, and social biases, for example, are not playing a part in the decision making of such department members both on duty and off duty?

5-      How are you combating bigotry and biases within the departments you are responsible for?

6-      How are you ensuring that solving victimizing crimes takes priority over victimless crimes and revenue generating tasks, within the departments you are responsible for?

It is important to me that the Mayor’s Office, Board of Commissions and Police Department not participate in Abuse of Power, and that such entities protect my community, as well as me, from Police Brutality.

I thank you for taking the time to read this letter, and in advance for responding with answers. In addition to providing me answers I request that you also prioritize the Prevention and Punishment of Police Brutality to the absolute best of your ability, and to the furthest of your reach.

--(Insert printed name here)
(Skip a line)
(Skip a line)
(Skip a line)
(Skip a line)
(Insert Signature in space above)     (Insert Today’s Full Date here)

(Insert Your mailing address in the footer or here)

List of Contacts

Police Commissioners or Board of Police Commissioners are in charge of Police Departments
The Mayor Elects Police Commissioners and City Council confirms them.

In Los Angeles:

Mayor is Eric Garcetti
200 North Spring Street
Los Angeles, CA, 90012
(213) 978-0600

City Council District 13
200 North Spring Street, #450
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 473-7013

Board of Police Commissioners
President Matthew M. Johnson
Vice President Steve Soboroff
Commissioner Sandra Figueroa-Villa
Commissioner Kathleen Kim
Commissioner Robert M Saltzman
100 West First Street, Suite 134
Los Angeles, CA, 90012
(213) 236-1400

And you can watch Police Commissioners Meetings Every Tuesday at 2pm on CityView Channel 35

In New York:

Mayor Bill de Blasio
City Hall
New York, NY, 10007

City Council
1757 Union Street
Brooklyn, New York, 11213
(718) 953-3097

Police Commissioner William J Bratton
Can only be messaged online


Police Commissioner William J Bratton is involved with many businesses and ventures outside of the commission, among them is Bratton Technologies, which runs BlueLine, a global law enforcement professional social network.

BlueLine Grid
7250 Woodmont Avenue, Suite 320
Bethesda, MD, 20814
(917) 831-4332

His wife is TruTV analyst Rikki Klieman and her publicist is:
Suzanne Wickham
Senior Director of Publicity, Harperone
Harper Collins Publishers Inc.
10 East 53rd Street,
New York, NY, 10022

For Minneapolis

Chief of Police Janeé Harteau
350 South 5 th Street
Room 130
Minneapolis, MN 55415-1389
Fax: 612-673-2613

Mayor Betsy Hodges
Mayor's Office
350 S. 5th St., Room 331
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: (612) 673-2100

Minneapolis City Council
City Hall, Room 307
350 South Fifth Street
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Mon. – Fri.

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