The small but intimate Player’s Theatre has combined forces to present Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. This modern, light-hearted adaptation of this Biblical tale follows Joseph, a boy with prophetic dreams, throughout his life of betrayal, slavery, and royalty. As a boy Joseph’s eleven brothers- the sons of Israel, grow increasingly jealous of their father’s love for him. The pot boils over when Jacob purchases an expensive and extravagantly colorful coat for the boy, his favorite son. Joseph’s brothers are thrust into such a rage that they take their young brother and sell him into slavery; little do they know that Joseph’s prophetic dreams lead him from slavery to his royal position at the Egyptian throne where his brother’s must one day grovel at his feet for something to eat.
This production by Anthony Augello, Paul Campione, Carlo Rivieccio and choreographer Dustin Cross drew in a large and diverse crowd to the village theatre house where every scene came with laughter. The production was not only eccentric, but it was interactive as well. Children participated in the event running up and down the aisles to announce the arrival of Joseph and other characters of the play. The story was narrated by Nadiene Jacques and Elisabeth Flanagan and Joseph was played by Miguel Angel Sierra. One audience member exclaimed “The director deserves an award” at the end of the performance. It truly was a spectacular show. The humor was perfect, the cast was right, and the venue was cozy.
What’s next for BTAP? This coming winter they’ll be doing a musical adaptation of the Mark of Zorro, followed by Evita; two shows that can’t be missed. The production team also deserves a round of applause. Thanks to Courtney Hansen, Augello and Carly DiGiovanni the set was simple, making transitions quick. Not a boring moment went by. I certainly encourage theatre goers in the New York area to check out any one of the off Broadway shows BTAP puts on. At a range of $25-$60 bucks a ticket, you can’t go wrong and you’ll be supporting the community.
For those of you who missed this performance visit for video footage by Greg Lemaire, Photos courtesy of Hayden Lees.
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