Wednesday, November 28, 2012

House of Art Celebrates Two Years Since the Doors Opened

By Madame Margherite

Two years ago, on October 25th the House of Art gallery opened its doors to the community sparking an interest in people who have never before seen art like this. Originally introduced to art by his mother, owner Richard Beavers set out on a path to prove that African-Americans have something beautiful to identify with by exposing us to a collection of work that truly embodies the heart and soul of America’s diversity.

HOA is not only the home of today’s most exquisite urban and African-American fine art, but it also serves as an outlet for the people residing in the underprivileged community of Bedsty Brooklyn. While Biggie Smalls may have put this neighborhood on the map, Richard and co-owner, Renarda Boddie show the world that hip-hop does not define our black communities.

The House of Art is a place that truly represents NYC’s minorities accurately and elegantly. While hip-hop plays a heavy role in many of the pieces displayed at the HOA, the message doesn’t stop there. This place also exhibits history, both the dark and bright sides of things, thus giving people of the community something positive to relate to.

Beavers says “I want this to be a place where all people feel welcome” and it is. Anyone who appreciates art can recognize the strength and emotion exuded through the cherry picked collections represented by Richard and his partner in art, Renarda. Together they have created not just a gallery, but an environment; one with its own unique atmosphere and tone. The walls that hold up the House of Art are lined with the original and reproduced works of artists Justin Bua, Annie Lee, Ted Ellis, and countless others.

This is no ordinary gallery. Using their influence, the owners of HOA have teamed up with local churches and other organizations to improve the community by hosing workshops and functions that benefit the members of the community- particularly the youths. On October 5th House of Art combined forces with Angela Jackson to present the Global Language Project where underprivileged students are provided with the opportunity of learning a second language. This being just one of the many ways HOA contributes to its home.

The HOA birthday bash will be held in-house at 373 Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, NY and will include a delectable array of home-style soul foods, tasty beverages, and of course artistic and creative entertainment. Also coming this winter is a very special event featuring world renowned artist Frank Morrison, and photographer Jamel Shabazz. This break through event will begin on December 5th and continue throughout the first half of the month. Following the artist reception the two talents will be introduced to one another for the very first time, and will then interview each other before an audience.

This event will also include workshops for children to participate in. Jamel Shabazz will provide various kids with a short class explaining the basics of photography, followed by a field trip where these young minds will put their skills and creativity to the test taking pictures of the community. Those pictures will then be developed and exhibited at the House of Art. The possibilities are endless, and with all the changes HOA provides us with we celebrate its birthday, and hope it stands for many birthdays to come.


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