Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Stick Figure Productions, Shining Light on the Dark Side of Reality Programming…

By Madame Margherite

Stick Figure Productions brings a flare of humanity to the world of reality programing. While many people believe that real entertaining drama is found on the shores of Jersey or in the homes of former mobsters, some recognize that real drama is directly related to less mainstream ways of life. With shows like Amish in the City and the recently premiered Amish: Out of Order, Stick Figure sheds light on a community so devoted to God and tightly bonded as a family that viewers can’t help but be inspired to do something positive.

Granted, much of the entertainment comes from watching people living a life that members of today’s urban culture not only grasp to understand but also find hard to believe is possible but that’s also why shows like this are so inspiring. As American’s and especially New Yorkers, we tend to seek out and appreciate diversity and the Amish are as far outside “the box” as they come.

Another eye opening Stick Figure production is Tent City, USA. An epidemic in our country that so many people choose to ignore and pass off as a nuisance is the rising population of homeless individuals on our streets, in our alleys, and under our bridges. Like many states, Tennessee has entire communities of people who live in tents or boxes due to economic circumstances and in April of this year Stick Figure productions proudly broadcasted the lives of these folks on OWN.

Revealing a bright side to something dark and taboo seems to be the theme, if not goal, of owner Steven Cantor and partner Daniel Laikind; they certainly managed that with Tent City, USA. The show displays a sense of indestructible spirit and undefeatable ingenuity in people pushed up against the wall and forced into hopeless corners. It’s programing like that which make people believe in themselves but also force one to appreciate the warm couch they sit on and flat television they watch as such programs air. The same goes for Guardian Angels, a show which features regular men who venture out onto the toughest streets to combat crime and make peace among chaos so that abiding citizens of the community can simply sleep soundly and walk the streets safely much like real life superheroes.

Finally an upcoming program that is sure to carry on the legacy of Stick Figure’s cold hard reality is a drama titled American Gypsies. While half of the country can be considered a bunch of rolling stones or rebels without a cause, no one comes close to a gypsy. For those of you who don’t know, a gypsy is not a fortune telling thief that goes from one town to the next scamming everyone. In fact the gypsy community is a tightly knit, incredibly loyal and surprisingly traditional group of people who stand firm to what they believe in. Much like the Amish, we have much to learn from our fellow residents the American Gypsies.

Also, be sure to check out some of Stick Figure’s films including Unraveled, a film surrounding the biggest Ponzi scheme in history; following not Bernie Madoff but rather a very deeply involved attorney few have heard of, Marc Dreier. In case you were wondering, yes, as always there is a positive spin in this film as well but you’ll have to see it to experience it.


Previously Unpublished

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